I haveThe Karma Club by Jessica Brody. It's the story of Madison, Angie, and Jade: three best friends who gets tangled with Karma. When they decided that Karma isn't working for them. You know, the belief that good things happen to good people and bad things happen to bad people? They feel wronged by people who have hurt them (their boyfriends) and who are not getting punished for it. It's time to teach Karma a lesson, they think, but really it's Karma who is going to teach them. Their pranks and revenge schemes are so FUNNY. The novel is told by Madison, who tutors kids as her job (she's really smart). Oh, and she falls in love with Spencer Cooper, which is a big deal. When Spencer's ex-girlfriend steals the notebook that Madison and the club keep their secrets in, the ex-girlfriend wants revenge on Spencer. Or else...What will Madison do?
Madison has a lot to learn about Karma. There are more rules than Madison thinks there are, and she has to learn them to fix what she's done wrong. Madison seeks to balance her and her friends' life, but seeks imbalance in others.
Lessons Madison learns from her "spiritual advisor."
"You cannot obtain balance by also seeking imbalance...We can only fix our own lives. We cannot play the role of the gods in someone else's."
"We must follow our own path, and sometimes that path can be laden with bumps and curves and rivers to cross. But we cannot block the paths of our neighbors, for that is not our place. We can only seek to grow and shape our own."
"The universe has a place and a purpose for everything and everyone. Sometimes we cannot know what that place is. Or what the purpose of everything that happens to us will be. That is why we must allow the natural order of things to occur."
"All human beings have control over their own destiny. That is, after all, our purpose on this planet. Not to interfere with the lives of others, but to shape our own experiences."
The BIG questions is: Since you can change your own path, how do you do it without interfering with the lives of others?