Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentines Day and Other Things

Happy Valentines Day!I've decided that it's time share my favorite love quotes of all time. It's below, spoken by the handsome and charming Mr. Darcy.

And I also found a lovely video here:

It's also Single Awareness Day, did ya know?

SAD is a satirical holidal celebrated also on the 14th, the same day as Valentines Day. It's an alternative day (on the same day) for people who are single. It was created by the people who disdained Valentines Day as a "Hallmark holiday." The best way to celebrate SAD is to hang out with other single people and celebrate life and friendship, not romance. It's still a day of love. Also somethin' interesting is that singles are supposed to wear green (opposite of red). I wore a green shirt today, which makes sense because I'm single, and I'm PROUD of it. Anyways, what I'm sayin' here is that the 14th is a day for EVERYONE to celebrate love.

So Happy Single Awareness Day yall! For questions go to: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/katie-campbell/singles-awareness-day_b_1266717.html

Now moving on. I want to talk about the massacre. I don't know why; I just do. okay? Okay, good. I mean, don't you want to know some of the HISTORY?! I found out about the massacre from the tv show Bones, which happens to my fav tv show.

In 1929, Al Capone and his gang got in a fight with a rival Irish gang in Chicago. Seven people were killed. The massacre turned the government's attention to the violence in Chicago, and ultimately was the building block to Capone's downfall.

That's all I have to write. It's 9:37. I'm going to bed. Going to get a drink of water and blow dry my hair. And finish my homework. If you want to know more about the massacre google search "valentines day massacre."

Love ya all, love Rachel